Everyone deserves a life free from violence. If you have been exposed to family or sexual violence, or are struggling with your own anger, getting the right support is important.
Who are Aviva Rangatahi Services for?Aviva Rangitahi Services are for young people aged 13 and above who have experienced (including having witnessed) family violence, or who are at risk of using violence.
Aviva provides support that is led by you. We work alongside you to recognise and respond to harmful behaviors. By learning and practicing healthy boundaries, you can proactively manage your wellbeing, your right and responsibility to be safe, and build healthy relationships.
For children aged between 5 and 12, our Tamariki Services are available to support.
Do you recognise yourself, or someone you care about, in any of the following questions?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, now is a good time to reach out.
Our Rangatahi Education Programme, He Pito Mata, offers education and support for young people aged 13-18.
You will be supported to:
Support can be delivered individually or in a 10-week group education setting during school terms.
Support is available in Christchurch, Selwyn, Ashburton and North Canterbury. Assistance with transport may also be available.
“When you've been let down by the system, it's really hard to trust again. I didn't expect this to work. [...] My youth worker was the first person to just listen, and they were able to challenge me when I needed to be challenged. They were able to help me in ways I never knew anyone would, or could. I felt safe here.” - Rangatahi Services client