Tamariki Services for Children

Protecting our children and young people

It our shared responsibility to protect our children and young people. Aviva’s specialist tamariki services are designed to promote wellbeing and help break the inter-generational cycle of violence.

Who are Aviva Tamariki Services for?

Aviva’s Tamariki Services are available for children aged between 5 and 12 who have experienced (including having witnessed) family violence.

For youth aged 13 and above, our Rangatahi Services are available to offer support.

Is family violence hurting my tamariki?

Family violence doesn’t always involve physical violence; it can include emotional, financial or sexual abuse. It can be experienced directly or witnessed.

Do you recognise any of these signs of possible family violence in your child, or a child you know?

  • Anxiety disorders; excessive fears; nightmares
  • Cruelty to animals or other people
  • Attention seeking behaviours
  • Suppressed feelings and failure to relate well to others
  • Isolation and withdrawal
  • Self-harm or suicide attempts
  • Frequent sickness; failure to thrive
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Disruptive behaviour; tantrums; bullying

If a child you know is showing any of the above behaviours, they may need support.

How can Aviva help?

We offer Tamariki Relationship and Individual Safety Education (RISE), a 10-week education and support programme for children (aged 5-12). Course content is delivered in fun and informal way. Children will:

  • develop their own safety plans
  • learn about healthy relationships
  • be supported to build their confidence
  • share with others and ‘break the secret’
  • find appropriate ways to manage their own anger
  • learn what to do when they recognise abuse
  • have a positive, trusting experience with others

The programme can be offered individually or in a group settings during school terms.

For more information on Tamariki RISE, see our education programme brochures.

When and where can tamariki access support?

Our 10-week group education programme Tamariki RISE is run during school terms in Christchurch, mid-Canterbury, Selwyn and North Canterbury based on interest. The programme can also be delivered individually by a professionally qualified kaimahi.

How can my child get to the support programme?

Assistance with transport may be available. Aviva can offer pick-up and return from the child's school to Tamariki RISE.

Contact us or make a referral

  • Call us free on 0800 28 48 26 or (03) 378 3847 - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for people in Canterbury
  • Email enquiries@aviva.org.nz (this inbox is checked Monday-Friday, 9-5)
  • If you are a social service or other referring agency, please complete a referral form and forward to Aviva by email

“We could see the visible changes in Cathy after attending the Tamariki programme” - Living Free from Family Violence client