
I made the decision to leave an abusive relationship. Me and my two children had been staying with family, and the concept of returning home was a very scary thought. However, I did not have a choice - my children’s father had gone; there was no way I would take their home away from them. So after two weeks, with school due to start, we went home. I wore a brave face, but I could never portray to you how fearful and uncertain every moment was, every noise I heard, every knock. My ex-partner knew my house way better than I did; he knew about my broken window latches, he probably had a key. It was a big job to try to keep this person out.

Within two days of contacting Aviva the coordinator visited and immediately organised for our house to be made safe. She had so many ideas and solutions to problems I just had no experience with. She sent somebody in, they changed my locks, they fixed all my windows, they made my home safe. For the first time, in three weeks, I slept. I slept at my house, with my family, and in my own bed.
